
March Office Hours

Free discussions to talk about work-related topics? I’m here for itFree discussions to talk about work-related topics? I’m here for it

Having found myself with some newfound time on my hands, I’m looking to talk to folks about their problem spaces, where they’re having trouble, perhaps offering vent sessions or productive ways to think about what’s happening and perhaps getting a trusted ear.

While I’m not relaunching Design For The Public conference this year (Maybe in 2026 though?!), you can think of this as an extension of the ethos, because I find nothing more satifying than talking to folks on the ground about tactical challenges. It was the hardest part of federal service, was being too distant from the people with boots truly on the ground.

One of the things I’ve missed over the last few years is getting into the weeds of specific problems, especially lower to the ground across non-federal spaces, and helping tackle them. It occurred to me that with some newfound time on my hands, that I’d love to offer some free office hours to folks in the public interest space.

The shape of these calls can be broad, but scoped around 30-45 minutes, you’ll fill out a form and I’ll reach out to the folks where I think I can be most helpful.

How It Works

These conversations are confidential sounding boards - no artifacts, no deliverables, just honest dialogue about your challenges. Whether you’re struggling with digital strategy, organizational design, stakeholder alignment, or figuring out how to implement human-centered approaches in bureaucratic environments - I’m happy to listen and share perspectives. I have a whole critical design theory practice, that’s kind of scrawled all over my personal site, so if you want to learn more about where I might help, check that out. This blog also has some additional context.

What This Isn’t

To be clear, these sessions are:

  • Not paid consulting engagements
  • Not general career coaching

I’m not looking for a job from you, I just want to help out after a few folks reached out in this wavelength. I find this stuff fun and I have the ability to do it right now.

Get in Touch

Fill out this form. If it seems like a good fit, I’ll send a scheduling link for us to connect. I’ll be doing these for a few weeks, then I’ll remove the link.

Up next The Interface Trap: How Administrative Systems Create Unsolvable Problems
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