Ron Bronson
January 21, 2024
8 Arenas of Action Matrix
Complicated: For situations that require expertise, bring in knowledgeable people to create detailed plans and make sure everyone can follow them.
Complex: If the situation is unpredictable, use regular feedback from a diverse group to make decisions and look out for unexpected changes.
Chaos: When everything is a mess, sometimes you have to rely on luck or make a complete overhaul.
Aporetic: When you’re stuck between two difficult options, set up teams to explore different solutions in simulations.
Clear: When things are straightforward and well-understood, just follow standard processes and watch out for anyone breaking the rules.
Complex-Chaos: To prepare for emergencies, develop and test networks that can sense human behavior, and use simulations to train.
Liminally Complicated: Use strategic foresight in advance and prepare for the unexpected, including those who don’t fit the normal patterns.
Unimaginable: Sometimes things happen that you just can’t predict or prepare for.
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